We had told the women beforehand that the questionnaire contained intimate questions and that they were not obliged to answer.
Usually a questionnaire, sometimes referred to as an interview schedule, is used in the interview and contains the questions that the interviewer puts to the respondent.
Each questionnaire contained forty sentences, ranging from simple to somewhat difficult, and offered multiple points from which the local dialect could emerge.
The questionnaire contained seven questions in each section; look at those where you scored highest.
The questionnaire will contain information such as current eating patterns, fitness levels and goals.
The National League's questionnaire, sent to 26 prospective ownership groups last week and released to The Associated Press on Friday, contains no major surprises.
The questionnaire contained four sections.
The questionnaire contained the following questions:
These postal questionnaires contained a list of sentences written in Standard German.
We should nevertheless clarify that, unfortunately, the questionnaire sent to the Member States contained this incorrect terminology.