The City Colleges of Chicago have $96 million in highly questionable investments.
After retiring to England he suffered serious financial setbacks due to some questionable investments and a recession.
In business, the term boiler room refers to an outbound call centre selling questionable investments by telephone.
"I think this is a questionable investment of public money," he said.
This allowed them to borrow enormous sums of money, fuel the market for questionable investments, and put the financial system at risk.
Until the blood alcohol limit is reduced (for example, to 0.02 percent, as in Sweden), any money spent on education will be a questionable investment.
The company collapsed, he said, not because of flaws in the energy market but because of questionable investments and accounting.
"All you have to do is share it with two people and it becomes a questionable investment," he said.
However, in doing so, he makes more questionable investments and becomes bankrupt.
Programs that give the military a role in economic development projects, especially in places like Guatemala, are questionable investments.