Some of the questionable deals were done in Brookhaven.
She is also aware of some questionable financial deals Judah has made, which adds to his stress.
Other cases involve questionable deals worth "only peanuts," a diplomat said.
We're going to be waiting to see how well he and Mr. Klein deliver on his promise to make this questionable deal pay off.
Still, they said the plaintiffs ended up with a questionable deal on two fronts.
Children that young are already falling prey to questionable deals offered over the Internet, she said.
The battle reached a crisis point in May, when the board received a report from its outside lawyers outlining some questionable deals.
But officials point out that the contract is hardly the first questionable deal undertaken in Nassau County.
"Good management trumps what may seem to be questionable deals," he said.
The resulting illusion of profitability sustained the stock price, making more questionable deals possible.