The agency sent warning letters to several companies that made questionable claims about their products' anthrax-fighting abilities.
Other questionable claims include never eating fast food, only drinking to toast a special occasion and claiming that red wine is healthy.
They criticize the system the state has set up to determine whether questionable claims should be paid.
Many made questionable claims of illiteracy or physical disability so they could take campaign workers into the polling booth to "assist" them.
We have here perhaps the most questionable claim of executive privilege ever made and we are kept in the dark about it.
The contingency fees tend to "encourage questionable claims," the accounting office said.
While some represented legitimate social service organizations, others had questionable claims.
Areas of questionable claims highlighted by the Telegraph included (but were not limited to):
Vera passed along the latest of these questionable claims on a Sunday afternoon in late October.
But intermingled with Buchanan's questionable claims are plenty of worthwhile insights.