Upon reaching the surface, they are immediately captured by the Servants of Saint Camber, a quasi-religious group who has remained hidden for over two centuries.
A quasi-religious group of "Fourths" from Earth, led by Dr. Avram Dvali, lives in the desert seeded by falling dust.
In 1990, he embarked on a personal quest against many large qi gong and other quasi-religious groups that he says promote superstition and unscientific thought.
A quasi-religious group known as Sagittarians also play a part.
Ariah maintains Deep Ones a sect or quasi-religious group.
He has aligned himself to The Seddi Order, a former quasi-religious group in an effort to stop humanity from making itself extinct.
There they must contend with a quasi-religious group called Geo Chris which plans to make the Earth green once more.
Falun Gong insists it is apolitical, but the role of quasi-religious groups in fomenting political rebellion throughout Chinese history leave officials wary of its intentions.
The P'othparans are a quasi-religious group, who long ago isolated themselves from other T'nufans in order to rediscover certain primitive social values.
Slowly this quasi-religious group takes over the lives and, more important, the property of the twins, whose immediate family can do nothing to assist them.