A third group, represented by the New York City Sports Commission, a quasi-public organization, is offering Aqueduct and "other options."
It is now owned and operated by Events DC, a quasi-public organization affiliated with the city government.
The quasi-public organization is responsible for directing the city's commercical, industrial and waterfront development.
On the other hand, it is also a quasi-public organization charged with protecting investors against abuses by the very same investment houses and trading firms.
In 1990, Johnson became vice chairman of Fannie Mae, or the Federal National Mortgage Association, a quasi-public organization that guarantees mortgages for millions of American homeowners.
The Big Board is a quasi-public organization that earned $28 million last year.
One of the themes of this session has been the outrageous lack of regulation of lobbyists who seek to influence state agencies or quasi-public organizations like the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.
No one can pinpoint just how much the strike has cost, but the Entertainment Industry Development Corporation, a quasi-public organization, estimates that Los Angeles County is losing about $1 million a day.
In California, the California Student Loan Finance Corporation, a quasi-public organization, issued the notes backed by the student loans.
That the exchange is a quasi-public organization charged with policing the stock market makes its conflict-riddled organization a threat to the entire financial system.