The quasi-judicial functions of the Council called Regulatory, are carried out by exclusively back-bench Councillors.
The school board may also exercise a quasi-judicial function in serious employee or student discipline matters.
The Commissioners exercise quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial functions either en banc or in division.
Although the council's powers are basically legislative in nature, they may exercise certain quasi-judicial functions, especially on matters requiring thorough investigation and fact-finding procedures.
Rent Officers appointed as "statutory officers" therefore had a quasi-judicial function.
It is similar to the persona designata scheme by which judicial officers can be appointed to non-judicial or quasi-judicial functions under common law systems.
When executing duties with regards to revenue collection, the DC can exercise quasi-judicial functions.
On the other hand, it is an established principle that no tribunal can delegate judicial or quasi-judicial functions such as disciplinary powers.
At about the same time a number of other officers, such as the papal penitentiaries in charge of cases of conscience, developed quasi-judicial functions.
The board also has some quasi-judicial functions.