A child left his favorite quartz rock in a plastic bag.
Q. What do you look for in a quartz rock?
Then they began digging, then tunneling into the earth to pry gold from the white quartz rock that lay beneath the surface.
The island is made of quartz rocks and topaz sand.
Perhaps this was what the quartz rocks were for: to re- fill the moat when it got dry.
Jasper is named for a type of quartz rock found nearby.
Possibly a volcanic explosion had formed a bubble of gas enclosed in this shell of quartz rock.
In the face of the stope it was a black line, drawn against the blue quartz rock.
The Boxer-Henry bullets began to whip around them, ploughing up the red earth and whining off the white quartz rocks.
Beside the road, a bubbling spring had been built into a cracked and stained bowl of white quartz rock.