The green team, led by quarterback Chad Pennington, took a 6-3 halftime lead.
They have no idea how well quarterback Chad Pennington will recover from the shoulder operation that ended his season.
If Martin was in pain, quarterback Chad Pennington said he did not see it.
The sun came up Monday morning, just as quarterback Chad Pennington said it would.
Time to focus on the little things and make it work, quarterback Chad Pennington said.
"We have to find a way to get over the hump and win this game," quarterback Chad Pennington said.
The Jets said they would most likely play without quarterback Chad Pennington for up to a month.
Jets quarterback Chad Pennington did not give up however.
For quarterback Chad Pennington, who was not born when the two teams first met in 1969, it is quite simple.
But quarterback Chad Pennington said that the offense still had some rust to work off.