There are police guarding the quarantine center at the township hospital.
When the plague died out it became a quarantine centre, and then, in the eighteenth century, a sanctuary for the insane.
"I have to do a report for my community medicine course, anyhow, and I can do it on the quarantine center."
The British government set up special quarantine centers around the country with the help of the Army.
From the surveillance video he saw at the quarantine center, Will had to agree.
Captive birds arriving into England are also required to be taken to an approved quarantine centre for assessment and testing.
A century ago, this granite outcropping served as a quarantine center for would-be immigrants.
Two weeks later, however, Mr. Strickland began building the quarantine center.
Waiting for them in the quarantine centre was a sallow-faced human physician named Valensin.
Their first 24 to 36 hours here will be spent at Keeneland's quarantine center.