We want people who have quantitative skills, but a very open mind about the market data.
However, character and personal qualities and evidence of strong quantitative skills are very important admission factors.
At the same time, the report suggested, companies want liberal arts majors to have "better technical knowledge, quantitative skills and general business knowledge."
All I'm asking is that you begin to take these methods seriously and consider them alongside your own quantitative skills.
Verbal skills at the post-doctoral level: quantitative skills beyond any known rating scale.
Verbal and quantitative skills at the postdoctoral level.
Young financial wizards armed with arcane quantitative skills became the folk heroes of the day.
The curriculum builds quantitative skills, and simultaneously develops the underlying finance theory.
They may encourage students to get tutoring early in the semester or to take a science class for students with weak quantitative skills.
I was competing for a job against people who had real quantitative, number-crunching skills that I lacked.