But the speedy assembly raised quality-control issues.
Now, though, Hyundai says that it has addressed quality-control issues and that it expects big things of its new small model.
Glaxo's Cidra plant has been plagued by quality-control issues at least since 2003.
He added, "It's pretty clear, I guess, that the quality-control issues need to be looked at again."
There are quality-control issues.
"The drive for aggressive growth," she said in an interview on Monday, "has led to some quality-control issues."
"People might want to address this issue today as a quality-control issue," said Jane Hirschmann of the group Time Out From Testing.
"We work with the pressroom all the time on quality-control issues," Ms. Buckner said.
Also, the quality-control issue is a killer.
Inadequate nuclear safety, poor damage control, and quality-control issues during construction (particularly on the earlier submarines) were typical causes of accidents.