With relation to women's and babies' outcomes for home births, there is a lack of good quality evidence.
Moderate quality evidence suggests that spinal manipulation is an effective treatment for acute sciatica.
During each step, quality evidence is collected, reviewed, approved, and stored for the life of the submarine.
Is it fair to take away someone's livelihood and reputation based on that lack of quality evidence?
There is no high quality evidence for cimetidine.
There are many surgical options, and their relative effectiveness is debated due to a lack of good quality evidence.
That's why quality evidence and the proper use of it are so crucial.
In the management of first and second degree burns, little quality evidence exists to determine which type of dressing should be used.
The relationship between diet and acne is not very clear as there is no good quality evidence.
The study's contention supports local prosecutors' anecdotes about high quality evidence gathered from the examiners' work.