Remaster (and its derivations, frequently found in the phrases digitally remastered or digital remastering) refers to quality enhancement of sound and/or picture to a previously existing recording.
When images from the new films are transferred to an electronic file or onto a printed page, the quality enhancements are easily retained, according to Kodak.
Investment in winding capacity at Galashiels and Dalkeith will lead to further quality enhancement and underpin performance in the future.
The so-called "Mose" enclosure is claimed to provide a sound quality enhancement to the standard power supply, and is offered with either an integrated or separate control switch.
In the centuries that followed the export could be increased due to quality enhancements because of production changes (more wheat beer was produced and the production of dark beer and red ale was being decreased).
Representatives of banks, including Priorbank, also appreciated the progress achieved in the area of quality enhancement of the supervision over banks.
Updates to this version of the product between late 2011 and mid-2012 have offered additional performance and quality enhancements and new capabilities such as administrator-controlled device limits.
The recording, audio-video quality enhancement, content security and distribution; all are carried out in a completely automated fashion without requiring any manual intervention or any change in the teaching methodology.
UMAP is involved in a range of activities relevant to quality enhancement in undergraduate medical assessments.
Attacking North Down and Ards Community Unit, the Alliance member said no-one would be fooled by assurances that a new meals-on-wheels service, which is replacing the meals service currently provided by home helps, would lead to quality enhancement.