The colors are bright and inviting, the sound effects well chosen, and it demonstrates quality development behind the gag.
Through direct instruction and quality professional development, the agency partners with districts to improve education for all students, particularly those with special needs.
"Are we going to be the guinea pig and risk the loss of whatever quality development we need?"
Bispebjerg Hospital lives up to international standards for quality development and safety.
Ensure all staff have access to high quality professional development.
The project is predominantly an underground construction requiring high quality development and engineering excellence.
As part of Telefunken, it established a reputation for leading the way in sound quality developments.
Over the next three years they will participate in a programme of high quality professional development and curriculum review support.
"She didn't confine planning to just the local area either, she wanted quality development to preserve the quality of life here."
It is expected to be a catalyst for revitalization in the downtown Stockton area with a quality development that increases pedestrian traffic.