Cowardice was the quality most frequently attributed to Jews.
Beyond this virtue little else can be achieved as well as the qualities attributed by such devotion as Bhakti.
As is well known, the word jade was an outcome of the medical qualities attributed to it by the Aztecs.
Perceived Quality: Perceived Quality is the quality attributed to a good or service based on indirect measures.
Commonly, critics argue that any implied designer need not have the qualities commonly attributed to the God of classical theism.
Whether this epithet refers to Don Alvarado's red hair, some esoteric quality attributed to him, or both, is disputed.
Frith gives three common qualities attributed to bad music: inauthentic, [in] bad taste (see also: kitsch), and stupid.
However, the FM10 has been criticised by some for perceived low quality, attributed to its targeting of the brand-conscious nouveau riche in developing countries.
Many of the qualities attributed to Clinton's women also describe his mother, Virginia Kelley.
Retired professor in religious studies Roderick Hindery first lists positive qualities attributed to political, economic, or other forms of cultural fundamentalism.