When I had no other choice, even 720 kbps was enough to get acceptable quality TV.
It is also great at suggesting old TV shows that you'd like to watch, so you can catch quality TV that you didnt see first time round.
The decision was criticised by Martin McGrath of Equity, who said "Trying to produce quality TV on the cheap is doomed to fail."
Still, these are the times we live in and quality TV needs to make way for yet more vacuous, insipid pish that (let's be truthful) puts ratings before originality and thought.
"It's not going to be the quality TV you enjoy at home with cable," Mr. Mathews said.
'There's plenty of quality TV on the Parliament channel watching your Boss's world collapse, and best of all it's free!'
If you hunger for a slice of quality TV the premiere of Alphas was stonking.
If only we had more of this quality TV, it was wonderful.
The onboard Geforce 6100 and 6150-series chips support all the features needed for a quality TV out.
The goal behind this political decision is to achieve a wide, free, high quality regional TV.