Signalling by type I and type II OSM receptors have now been shown to be qualitatively distinct.
Neuroscientific research suggest that "motivated reasoning is qualitatively distinct from reasoning when people do not have a strong emotional stake in the conclusions reached."
It is in fact Callinicos' later claim that, rather than occupying a qualitatively distinct position, 'late capitalist culture represents a continuation of trends operative throughout this century'(p. 53).
A qualitatively distinct realm opens up, with new resources available suddenly, which are not simple extrapolations of what went before.
Existial analysis is, therefore, existentiell, but in a unique sense, qualitatively distinct from non-theoretical, non-phenomenological behavior.
The latent structure of a flashbulb memory is taxonic, and qualitatively distinct from non-flashbulb memories.
A preferable interpretation is: a search for evidence justifying a choice between qualitatively distinct alternatives.
However, "there was no support for the view that the MBTI measures truly dichotomous preferences or qualitatively distinct types, instead, the instrument measures four relatively independent dimensions."
Therefore, one's social identity can have several, qualitatively distinct parts (for example, one's ethnic identity, religious identity, and political identity).
The traditional division of plots from seashore to centre has not prevented the differentiation of Réunion's territory into two qualitatively distinct zones.