When it came time to appoint a leader, one of the more qualified members, Prodigy rejected the role of leadership.
Instruction at the TEI includes training in technological subjects and aims to help students to develop as skilled, responsible and qualified members of society.
"Since there are no other suggestions, and since the honorable Re-dark is a full and qualified member of the Guild, the Council accepts him as overmage."
"It's ironic that the least qualified members of our group were the ones to come here," Melanie said.
General Stilwell describes it as a nonprofit group that will recruit qualified retired members of all the services for specific overseas training missions of from one to four months.
Special pay: nuclear-trained and qualified enlisted members 312b.
The judge may be opposed formally by one or more qualified members of the bar, with the successful candidate being elected to a fifteen-year term.
It took several years to recruit qualified members in the academic team.
Since 1991 the organization has worked as an adjunct to the American Humanist Association to certify qualified members to serve in this special capacity as ministers.
These centers had about ten to thirty beds each, and the most qualified members of the staff were assistant doctors.