It's only right that we make sure our qualifications match the best in the world and keep pace with the demands of employers and universities.
In the 6 last qualification matches the team made 10 points but could not qualify for the 2010 World Cup.
I do not know if your educational qualifications match those who helped put together this report.
First, my qualifications match your needs perfectly.
The reason I applied for this position is because the qualifications matched my strengths perfectly.
At minimum, the hospitals must have board members whose qualifications and job performance match the stature and importance of the institutions they serve.
Below is a list of the 53 teams that may potentially enter the qualification matches:
This means seeking the best candidates from excluded groups even if their qualifications on paper don't always match those of white men.
The qualification matches for Second Division League teams were played in Happy Valley Recreation Ground on 24 August 2008.
Robots compete in qualification matches to determine seed and who will compete in the elimination bracket.