But the Komitet's publicists had done their job well, on both sides of the quaintly named "Iron Curtain."
Ballypickas is located near Abbeyleix and the club grounds are at the quaintly named Cobbler's Hill.
Or perhaps opt for a paddle-boat ride on the gentle Nepean River or a steam train trip on the quaintly named Zig Zag Railway.
For a better sense of our auto racing coverage check out the Times Topics page, quaintly named Automobile Racing.
Just then the noon bell rang and Tambor guided her to the quaintly named mess hall.
Matt Dillon clumps out into the street from the Long Branch Saloon to issue a warning to one of the quaintly named villains so characteristic of "Gunsmoke."
The hospitality industry, according to Marni Dacy at the quaintly named American Hotel and Motel Association, includes both the lodging industry and the gaming industry.
One of them, the quaintly named 'Uber-Fungi', somehow can hypnotize humans from our era.
On his left, the quaintly named town of Rescue marched down to the water, with sailboats and fishing craft moored at the docks.
Also available are the quaintly named Coloured Supplements, a monthly piece giving Christian comment on social and political issues, normally written by the vicar.