The more the political and religious elites tried to smother these early manifestations of freedom, the more French-Canadian society responded with pyrotechnical displays, which made the TV news.
The entire shoot, involving thousands of extras, included a series of complex fight scenes and pyrotechnical displays.
It was a pyrotechnical display of fashion as entertainment and it will have a lasting effect on the shape of clothes.
The sonata ends in a lush and brilliant pyrotechnical display, showing off the full range of the viola, as well as the piano (whose part is of equal difficulty.)
Without any pyrotechnical displays, Miss Muir produces clothes that are subdued, long-lasting yet still topical, like her basic daytime outfit.
It was a pyrotechnical display never before witnessed by any person living in this quiet landscape in the rocky mountains.
Joaquin De Luz's Jester was sheer pyrotechnical display.
Stay home watching reruns tonight after spending a few hours this afternoon in the Met perusing old prints and drawings of long-forgotten pyrotechnical displays.
The result was as before, a banshee shrieking of locked wheels on the rusty lines and a pyrotechnical display of sparks.
And so the history of that mine became once more plunged in darkness, lit only by some monster pyrotechnical displays of gossip.