In a very dangerous police operation famous undercover Narcotic agent Ertugrul faces with a puzzling situation.
The statement actually left more questions than answers about what happened in Johnson's puzzling situation that may be a landmark drug case for the league.
Yes; that's a puzzling situation.
Only one thing troubled her, and that was the puzzling and perilous situation of labor which no one seemed to understand, her self least of all.
Suppose you are one of the prisoners in this puzzling situation.
Some time later, Layton receives a letter from Luke, inviting him to investigate another puzzling situation with him.
The balance of this book will take these ideas and apply them to other puzzling situations and epidemics from the world around us.
It was a puzzling situation and she worried about what it might mean.
This puzzling situation remained for many decades until the early 21st century when the recently discovered dark energy component provided new hope for a consistent cyclic cosmology.
It is a puzzling situation.