If he knew the why of the Jarada's puzzling behavior, he should be able to anticipate their next move.
She under- stood Kelvin better now; how could she make the best use of this explanation of his puzzling behavior?
Then he remembered certain things, that made her puzzling behavior understandable.
I'd had little sleep the night before, I'd had a full working day, and I'd observed a lot of puzzling behavior.
Despite Hernández's sometimes puzzling behavior, he is an attractive pitcher because he is quite affordable.
Extracting Skibbow from our medical facility was slightly puzzling behaviour.
Stress appears to sap determination and leads to puzzling behavior.
To Will it was puzzling behavior.
Throughout the rest of the day, Kern's mind was more on Jace Johansen and his puzzling behavior than anything else.
But the main thing on her mind was the puzzling behavior of the dog.