Even if the oyster's putative role in spurring romance has not been substantiated, it's fun to ignore science while slurping down some iced bluepoints.
The Golgi has a putative role in apoptosis, with several Bcl-2 family members localised there, as well as to the mitochondria.
Though awed by our putative role in the defense of the great building, we were untried, untrained, unled, and unequipped.
Animal models are also important to investigate the putative role of specific brain structures, circuits, or processes (e.g., the reward system and drug addiction).
Consumers and food manufacturers have become interested in flavonoids for their possible medicinal properties, especially their putative role in inhibiting cancer or cardiovascular disease.
It plays a putative role in tumorigenic reversion and may control cell proliferation.
Rafts have putative roles in many physiological processes, such as signal transduction, endocytosis, apoptosis, protein trafficking, and lipid regulation.
Chiropractic theory on spinal joint dysfunction and its putative role in non-musculoskeletal disease has been a source of controversy since its inception in 1895.
Studies suggest a putative role in the regulation of events downstream of cell-matrix adhesion, perhaps involving cytoskeletal reorganization.
The same may account for the putative role of uric acid in the etiology of stroke.