In recent years, scientific and public interest in flavones has grown enormously due to their putative beneficial effects against atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus and certain cancers.
Sometimes, putative medical adverse effects are regarded as controversial and generate heated discussions in society and lawsuits against drug manufacturers.
But neither Kaptchuk nor Specter makes sufficiently clear that this putative effect helps only with purely subjective symptoms, like pain or anxiety, and not with the objective physical manifestations of disease.
However recent work places stringent limits on the putative effects of quantum gravity on the speed of light, and disfavours some current models of quantum gravity.
One particular substance with putative anticarcinogenic effect is methylpyridinium.
While it seems counterintuitive to suppose that introverts are more aroused than extraverts, the putative effect this has on behaviour is such that the introvert seeks lower levels of stimulation.
According to Sinclair's data, Sirtuins (SirT1, Sir2, ...) are behind the putative effect of calorie restriction on longevity, although some research has cast doubt on this claim.
Consequently, there have been efforts to identify the chemical constituents that may be responsible for the putative pharmacological effects.
But many experts discount the conclusions of these studies, contending that they contain statistical errors and that the putative effects are probably the result of factors other than electric fields.
Mashua has putative anaphrodisiac effects.