As a result of this, several 3-car formations were put together using two power cars and one trailer.
The paper is put together using a combination of freelance journalists and student writers from across Scotland.
Like all plans based on geography, it was put together using a map.
Such an arrangement could be put in place using several private security companies that employ retired American military personnel.
The compilation was put together using songs from 1983-1986, but then was released in 1990.
I appreciate all the research she put forth using herself as the guinea pig.
It is normally made on the putting green using a putter, though other clubs may be used to achieve the same effect in different situations.
In 1994 a new spire was put in place using a helicopter.
An armed concrete facility with a box like form, put using a crane and can containe 10+ people.
The dictionary is put into action using random access file.