During the regular session of the legislature which began in January 1821, a new bill was passed that put the question to the people.
It is now time to put the issue to the British people.
Three years later, on November 6, 2012, the question was put to the people a second time.
That is the defense plan I have put forward to the American people in this election.
The proposal was put to the people in a referendum and approved.
The most important change is for a referendum to be put to the people on Nov. 3.
If we had to put our case to the people, we should soon have justice done to us.
At this stage, we don't know exactly what question will be put to the Greek people.
An absolute majority of 89 then agreed it should be put to the people.
Now why is it so wrong for such an important issue to be put to the people of Europe?