The other 50 percent is put into a fund to provide pensions for all Bolivians.
The film was released in conjunction with a book that Robbins put together to provide a deeper look into the film's time period.
As word of Kreuger's financial position spread, pressure was put on him by the banking institutions to provide security for his loans.
Plastic bottles are put in shanty home roofs to provide light.
The other 50 percent of the company is put into a fund to provide a guaranteed pension for all Bolivians.
Furthermore an Advisory Board has been put in place to provide support and insight if necessary.
But the city of Columbus has put on hold plans to provide domestic-partner benefits for its employees.
Here is a suggested first reading list, which I've put together to provide a broadly representative selection of significant periods in the theatre's development.
This week, the final pieces will be put in place to provide a complete picture of this strong position.
"A highway has been put in place to provide for the flow of information."