However, later in the day the Syrian government decided to put tanks back into Hama, and canceled the withdrawal.
A second landing put tanks ashore, and Japanese planes bombed Haiphong, causing some casualties.
"We're talking about putting new tanks in the ground" if a site is to be restored as a service station, Mr. Hayden said.
Bono described the reasoning behind the cover: "Instead of putting tanks and guns on the cover, we've put a child's face.
You don't want to break stuff so you put tanks at the bottom.
I don't think Fidel has threatened to put tanks on the streets of states that voted against, which is what Chavez did.
They put big, heavy tanks into its cargo space.
Army puts tanks on the streets.
They are putting tanks and artillery pieces in close proximity to hospitals and schools and residential areas.
"Unfortunately, Saddam would put tanks right between houses," he said.