He had sat there pondering the question and answered only, "I wish I knew," before making a rash move and putting his queen in jeopardy.
After 34 ... Qf3, Miles had returned one pawn but had put his queen into such a dominating position that the game was easily won.
It was no more than a delaying move, he knew; still, it put Fraser's queen in danger, and might force the exchange of a rook.
I'll put all them in, I better put my queen in.
The Republic of Hawaii put their former queen on trial.
CHEOPS: pyramid chess; nine-level chess with the double object of putting your queen at the apex and the opponent's king in check.
Benjamin's 9 . . . Qb6 forced Kamsky either to loosen his queenside pawns with 10 b3 or to put his queen in an awkward position with 10 Qc1.
I watched the Old Man put Arion's queen in check.
Kamsky, perhaps not quite confident, diverged in Game 9 with 15 . . . Qd7, although it delayed his counterplay and put his queen in a clumsy position.
(To MAGGS) Pawn to rook four, and tell him to put his queen back.