Between 1875 and 1880, Parker was able to put his philosophy into practice, when he served as superintendent of schools in Quincy, Massachusetts.
- than these words are projected onto a scrim: "Time has been powerless to put its kindly philosophy out of fashion."
The handbook represents a sincere attempt to put Oppenheimer's philosophy of local nuclear defence into practice.
How much was he prepared to sacrifice to put his philosophy to the test?
In his zeal to shed federal programs, President Bush seems to be putting his philosophy ahead of facts.
Everyone who works at the association's office tries to put its philosophy to work, said Mr. Summa.
He decides to put his philosophy into action, and so crashes the party.
"Let me put my philosophy clearly," Wright said.
I've watched him put his compassionate conservative philosophy to work in this great state with tremendous results.
When the idealist's illusions are shattered, he puts Willie's philosophy to work by assassinating him.