The sheer number of soldiers retreating put a strain on resources along their path home.
While this put a tremendous strain on resources, the net effect has in fact been positive.
Around 1,300 are arriving here every day, putting a huge strain on resources, space, water and food.
The issue is that population is still growing uncontrollably, and this will inevitably put pressure on resources.
These cats almost certainly represent the only captive stock, though even this number of individuals is now putting a severe strain on available resources.
"If you put artificial restrictions on human resources, you're going to lose good people who are up for the job."
This can put a significant strain on resources.
PHE projects also promote family planning services to help slow population growth that can put pressure on natural resources.
We also show how to finance them and we put forward a discussion on own resources.
The study also warns that the rise of robots could put a strain on resources and the environment.