Still, putting infants on line raises questions about protecting the privacy of families and safeguarding the security of hospitals.
Always put infants to sleep on their backs (Remember: Back to sleep).
SIDS causes 3,000 deaths in the United States annually; putting infants to sleep on their stomachs is the most common cause.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - Risk is reduced by putting infants to sleep on their backs and providing a nonsmoking environment.
They would have been distressed, he said, by a program that puts infants in day care when they are 12 weeks old.
The second was earlier this year, when the city presented its general plan for putting infants in the home.
"They have translated our message to mean that infant day care is bad and that those who put infants in it are bad," said Dr. Belsky.
Aug. 2, 2004 - A rare Jewish circumcision practice may put young infants at risk for genital herpes with potentially severe complications, according to a new study.
But to achieve that result he may put poor infants in other parts of the country at risk.
In 1992, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended putting infants to sleep on their backs or sides, advice that seems to be effective, though no one knows why.