Towards the end of her life she also designed British birds, which were put into production after her death.
The journal must have been put in the library after his death.
Eva Stotesbury had already put the property on the market after her husband's death, but there were no buyers.
The women had brought out the mourning clothes so recently put away after her mother's death, and the priest had been sent for.
Of Colombo's 400 designs, 80 were put into production in his lifetime and 25 others after his death.
In return, he was well liked by many of them, who put flowers on his grave after his death.
He was put in charge of the League after Darrk's death.
This reasoning was one of many interpretations put forward by various factions in the months after Smith's death.
It seems to have been put together immediately after his death.
He was also, as one circus colleague put it after his death, "a fantastic animal trainer and animal psychologist."