Unfazed by the office drama, Tracy pushes forward with plans to turn a new client into a shining star.
In the meantime, the management is pushing ahead with other plans for the tower.
You need to push ahead with private plans.
This target was exceeded and the steering committee pushed ahead with plans for the club.
Though profits were generally down from the year before, all three said they would push ahead with plans to upgrade fields and build new pipelines.
On education, the mayor said he would push ahead with plans to create additional elite high schools for the city's brightest students.
A $10 million investment pushed annual capacity to 85,000, with plans in place to reach 130,000 units within a five-year period.
Executives announced strong financial results for the quarter ended March 31 and said they were pushing ahead with plans for a major acquisition.
Certainly Japanese companies are fast pushing ahead with plans to expand production facilities elsewhere in Asia.
Instead of bandying fine words, Madam, you would do well to push ahead with plans for the base tunnel and stump up the money.