"We can maybe push it to twenty percent if the weather holds."
He said Microsoft is trying to push that figure to 20 percent but has been held back by a shortage of talent.
That pushed the savings rate to 6.3 percent of income, the highest since May 1985.
The moves pushed his local public approval rating to 81 percent.
Rising interest rates have slowed the economy and pushed unemployment to nearly 20 percent.
Windows 7 meanwhile has gained over 13 percentage points, pushing it to 20.87 percent.
The alliance has said it will negotiate to push that to 6 percent.
That is why he has pushed a half-cent increase in the sales tax, to 8.25 percent.
That pushed the annual rate to 2.4 percent this year.
The two increases, each a quarter percentage point, have pushed this rate up to 3.5 percent.