Among the companies mentioned by analysts as possible buyers was Anheuser-Busch, which has been pushing into the snack foods business with its Eagle brand in recent years.
Silver and platinum, meanwhile, extended their losses of the week, which has pushed the metals to their lowest levels in years.
Such shopping, along with the spread of low-cost airlines, has pushed prices sharply lower in recent years.
Even many Republicans have shown little enthusiasm for pushing the issue in recent years, particularly in the House.
The recent blasts of Arctic weather pushed cash prices above $1.90 per 1,000 cubic feet on the futures market, a rare event for March in recent years.
Microsoft, Apple, Google, and (to an extent) Intel have all pushed new and innovative products onto the market in recent years.
Industry executives said that the Pentagon had been pushing in recent years to reduce the amount and complexity of the maintenance needed for its weapons.
He said the donors who helped push the endowment from $18 million to more than $76 million in recent years did so only with the promise of fiscal rigor.
We in Sweden have been pushing this issue in recent years, just as the EU has.