Israeli units are generally quicker, stronger, better supported, and able to push Egyptian forces back, but stringent victory conditions maintain game balance.
It was successful, pushing German forces back and advancing to the river until the end of the war.
On the other hand, the Posleen could push forces across the dam itself.
A simple case of compression is the uniaxial compression induced by the action of opposite, pushing forces.
The aim is to take some of the ardor out of the insurgency by pushing American forces into a supporting role.
Washington bears a major responsibility for pushing for the withdrawal of United Nations forces, which allowed the massacres to take place.
The North Koreans quickly pushed South Korean forces back.
German counterattacks on 26 and 27 July pushed Canadian forces back to Point 67.
"They'll push forces forward until they come into contact," Mike said.
The strike and artillery preparation, were successful in pushing North Korean forces off the hill.