There is nothing to indicate that he pursued personal wealth by means considered improper or ruthless by his contemporaries.
Such people are no less mad than those who pursue wealth and children, the ornaments and joy of this life, at the cost of everything else.
Jesus has just told his followers that it is impossible to pursue both God and wealth.
Fifty wakes earlier he had been a normal young man, happily pursuing wealth, glory, and young women.
They are wont to pursue wealth, luxury and wantonness.
The pressure to pursue wealth instead of other goals grew enormously as the media focused on those winning big in the new economy.
The son of a prominent labor union leader, Kenyon initially rebelled against his blue-collar father by pursuing great wealth through a career as a supercriminal.
Pursuing wealth or power means treating the world as composed of isolated individuals, each seeking a cutthroat advantage over everyone else.
Even worse, his "new" master is obsessed with pursuing wealth and fame as an entertainer.
For Cassius Dio, he did not pursue power or wealth, but carried on the war for the sake of military glory.