At 12:30 they started and were soon pursuing the Japanese forces across the southern coast of the island.
Othon, guards the French dead while Charlemagne pursues the Saracen forces.
As night fell, he could not pursue the flying forces of the enemy.
Li then pursued the retreating Communist forces, chasing them over 1,000 miles, on foot, over the Long March.
Under the command of the King, all the Christian troops crossed the river and pursued the Moorish forces in their retreat.
Meanwhile, following signs that the main forces had left the province Weir pursued the local forces.
However, as Caesar was as yet unaware of their reason for departing, he decided not to immediately pursue the forces, for fear of an ambush.
Forming a provisional government, with himself as president, Mosquera continued to pursue the conservative forces until their final defeat in 1862.
He was further involved in pursuing the retreating French forces on the 25th of the same month.
Despite being injured, O'Higgins went on to pursue the royalist forces from the field.