He pursued various occupations until 1898, when he moved to Newark, Ohio.
Although officially considered dishonest, he was allowed to continue in the fur trade and pursue other occupations.
Individual brothers may also pursue secular occupations, such as judge, town planner or teacher.
In past generations Tiwaris traditionally pursued occupations in teaching and religion.
People from the Mali community pursued various occupations and by virtue of this they were known accordingly.
Disappointed by the prevailing conditions in the music business, he abandoned singing twice and pursued other occupations to support himself.
He pursued various occupations in banking and agriculture, and was the owner-operator of a cattle ranch near Keating, Oregon, from 1929 to 1950.
Indeed, a few members of that institutional survivor of a feudal era, the House of Lords, pursue manual occupations.
On the other hand, there is an ever-increasing need for people pursuing occupations in which there are shortages in Europe.
They also pursued other seasonal occupations such as berry picking, harvesting maple sugar, fishing, ricing, hunting, and gathering medicinal plants.