And there was hope because the worst was over for him and he would soon be free to pursue new friendships.
One important point to consider about this study is that Sunnafrank says that college freshmen can be "aggressive" in pursuing new friendships and relationships within social circles and that behavior tends to change over time.
It was depressing, and the need to dive into the detail work of setting up a business here left her no time to pursue casual friendships.
Commenting on his withdrawal from the stage, Mr. Cliburn has said that he wanted to travel less, to eat dinner when he felt like it, to attend concerts and pursue friendships.
It's the only way, she explains, to reciprocate invitations and entertain the locals, essential aspects of pursuing friendships.
In two-career families with children, there is often little time and energy left for the adults to pursue or maintain close friendships.
His opportunities were squandered by his greater interest in pursuing friendships, drugs and alcohol which leads Yuri to earn a mere living as a masseuse.