He is romanticized as pursuing love, freedom, and beauty all his life (from the words of Hu Shi).
Hamburg had a thriving avant-garde scene that attracted numerous European musicians interested in pursuing aesthetic freedom and experimental music.
Ethical Culture was said to pursue social justice, racial equality, and intellectual freedom.
The first generation of Haitian peasants pursued self-sufficiency, freedom, and peace.
They came to Colorado to cure their tuberculosis or to pursue opportunities and freedom previously been denied to them.
From 1878-1880, Mayreder studied at the Technical University in Vienna, but left after two years to pursue greater artistic freedom.
America does best when we pursue freedom and choice and allow ingenuity to flourish.
He knew that the people in the nagual's house were extraordinary because they pursued freedom as their abstract purpose.
Instead, the group announced it would pursue unity and freedom, and work with other political groups.
Can there be excess when pursuing personal freedom, we ask, particularly in the pursuit of art?