Longstreet rested his command at Rogersville until December 13, when he learned of pursuing Union infantry and cavalry back at Bean's Station; he then decided to turn and attack them the next day.
It followed the river, and the open pastures on the Douro's bank offered few obstacles to pursuing cavalry, but a smaller track twisted north through the trees and Sharpe took it, using the woodland to cover his escape.
The retreat was bravely covered by the Swiss, who held off pursuing French cavalry, but in the rearguard action the battalion of major Hohenlohe was destroyed with great loss of life.
Many of those who fled were constantly run down by pursuing Georgian cavalry for several days.
Ignác Gyulay pursued the two divisions and cavalry of Eugène's left flank, while Albert Gyulay and Frimont pushed back the three divisions of the right.
Decebalus fled into the mountains hoping to assemble a new army, but was cornered by pursuing Roman cavalry, and committed suicide.
Fearing harassment by pursuing cavalry, Geneva couldn't attend to Sam until they were two miles from Catlett's Station.
In 1121, he decisively defeated much larger Turkish armies during the Battle of Didgori, with fleeing Seljuq Turks being run down by pursuing Georgian cavalry for several days.
Nevertheless, during the withdrawal to Portugal the Anglo-Portuguese army lost many men to pursuing French cavalry and starvation.