The presidential statement purposely omitted certain agents, while others were simply overlooked.
That agreement purposely omitted expenses for the Gulf crisis because they could not be calculated.
Some authors purposely omit the index to stymie the Washington read.
I purposely omit the definitions of the categories in this treatise.
When the band re-issued its back catalogue in 1999, they purposely omitted Cold Lake.
Purposely omitted from this list is that most famous of all nurses, Florence Nightingale.
This show also featured the North American tour's first performance of "Alive", which had been purposely omitted from all shows on the tour.
He had no patience with writers who in striving to present life as a whole purposely omit episodes that reveal the influence of the senses.
N.B. - This wall being described before, I purposely omit what was said in the journal.
He writes that A Fool's Life describes his thoughts completely except for the "social factor" which he purposely omitted from the story.