Memory, on the other hand, is not beholden to one particular moment of time, nor is it purposefully created.
A conservation-minded corporate citizen is working hand-in-hand with federal and state agencies, The Nature Conservancy, local communities, private citizens and other partners to thoughtfully and purposefully create an environment where both people and wildlife can thrive.
As part of these efforts, Robbins created "GameDay", a project to increase reliability by purposefully creating major failures on a regular basis.
Dynamic capabilities, by contrast, refer to "the capacity of an organization to purposefully create, extend, or modify its resource base" (Helfat et al., 2007).
Hemingway's narrator tells the "Up in Michigan" narrative with a black-and-white appeal that purposefully creates little space for misinterpretation.
"They purposefully created a really amazing life for themselves," said Helen Whybrow, editor in chief of Countryman Press.
Ghosh and Urban purposefully created scratches in films of their polyurethane-CHI-OXE material and tested to see if it mended itself under UV light.
Contrary to the video work, where the sound is subdued, Hüttner often uses music in the recent performances and installations in order to purposefully create paradoxical and misleading timelines.
In the North Carolina case, the 5-4 Court majority appeared captivated by the idea that purposefully creating black majority districts "may balkanize us into competing racial factions" - as if before affirmative race-conscious measures were introduced the state's political arena was a Garden of Eden.
The series usually has a dark atmosphere, though production purposefully created a contrasting appearance for certain episodes.