He was a tall, lean graying individ- ual in his late forties and he walked with a loose easy- going stride that contrasted sharply with Kirn's characteristic brisk and purposeful pace.
Jenny gathered her mending and followed at a slower but still purposeful pace.
He walked at the same purposeful pace all the way back up the alley and out of shot at the top of the screen.
Expanding at a purposeful but more leisurely pace than other leading Canadian cities, Vancouver has never lost sight of the importance of enjoying life at the same time.
When the door had closed between them he made three purposeful paces away from it towards the stairs, and two long, silent ones back again.
And he led the way back towards the gate at a purposeful pace, with the miller hard on his heels.
He was a tall, lean graying individual in his late forties and he walked with a loose easygoing stride that contrasted sharply with Kim's characteristic brisk and purposeful pace.
She weighed all of this without slowing her purposeful, energy-conserving pace.
'Fantasia' Available For those who still want to buy "Fantasia," the advice from retailers is don't run but walk, though at a purposeful pace, to the video store.
I avoid eye contact and maintain the purposeful pace.