New Haven has a long tradition of urban planning and a purposeful design for the city's layout.
Each classroom has two grades within it, a purposeful design to enable academic individualization.
It had been made by someone, crafted with purposeful design.
Dysteleology is the philosophical view that existence has no telos or final cause from purposeful design.
Another resembled nothing he had ever seen before, lumpy and irregular, as if it had been grown rather than built from some purposeful design.
Teleological argument - Argues that there is a purposeful design in the world around us, and a design requires a designer.
That makes it possible to achieve purposeful design and indeed pseudo-Lamarckian effects such as tape-recording and the construction of tape-recorders.
The site consists of nearly 600 abandoned house depressions along four beach ridges that impart a linearity that was originally interpreted as purposeful design as roads or "avenues."
This approach to level generation is intended to create dungeons with more purposeful design, instead of environments that simply look like "crossword puzzles that have been extruded upwards."
As a result, the noun creationism (like its predecessor, teleology, the study of purposeful design in nature) gained a musty connotation while evolutionism modishly lost its -ism.