The purported link between al Qaida and Hussein's regime, which has been disproven, was a key political justification for the Iraq War.
About a year ago, the purported link between antioxidant vitamins and cancers was questioned.
They analyzed data from June 1976 through May 1990, before an avalanche of lawsuits over purported links between silicone breast implants and connective tissue diseases.
In addition, the greater body of research on the history of ancient populations does not provide support for the purported links between these ancient populations.
It does not provide support for the purported links.
The purported link between societal gender relations and meat sales techniques and treatment of animals has also been discussed in feminist literature, including those focused on women and animal advocacy.
The delay has been ascribed to his purported links with MI6.
Before the war, one of the administration's answers would have been those purported links with al Qaeda.
Along with Iraq's alleged development of WMDs, another justification for invasion was the purported link between Saddam Hussein's government and terrorist organizations, in particular Al-Qaeda.
Maybe the most plausible is Iraq's purported link to terrorism.